Ludo Gallery & Japanese Woodblock Art Demonstrations

Printing under pressure - but it was wonderful to show people the nitty gritty of Japanese woodblock last night at the Affordable Art Fair Singapore Spring 2015. A bit of carving, a splash of paint and dab of glue (with some Aussie humour thrown in!) - and we had the printing process underway.  I used a new block from my upcoming Trade Tile series and showed how a three-plate four-colour print is created. It was great to have some familiar faces of my students in the crowd too. 

A big thanks to those who've supported me in various ways in this art journey - I've got a bigger spring in my step over the last year (even with two little monkeys on my back now!). Looking forward to showing you more!

Hey - something's going on! Another makan (food) stall? No - that's across from the gallery though...No wonder Bistro 1855 gave me a free drink afterwards...maybe I generated some business for them! 

Hey - something's going on! Another makan (food) stall? No - that's across from the gallery though...No wonder Bistro 1855 gave me a free drink afterwards...maybe I generated some business for them! 

Inking up a block from my upcoming Trade Tile series.

Inking up a block from my upcoming Trade Tile series.

My little apprentice keeping a close eye on me..

My little apprentice keeping a close eye on me..

So many people stopping by - hope my printing was more interesting than my jokes...

So many people stopping by - hope my printing was more interesting than my jokes...

With Mr. Norman H. Tolman and staff from The Tolman Collection Gallery Tokyo. A nice Japanese connection! お世話になっております.

With Mr. Norman H. Tolman and staff from The Tolman Collection Gallery Tokyo. A nice Japanese connection! お世話になっております.

And the little red dot means great happiness and gratitude in any language! 

And the little red dot means great happiness and gratitude in any language! 

With the fabulous Ludo Gallery Director Brenda T. Dwyer! 

With the fabulous Ludo Gallery Director Brenda T. Dwyer!